Most jobs are fairly similar, incredibly dangerous and thrilling because of the heights we clean at as high-rise window cleaners, but similar – rectangular buildings, lots of dirty windows. But this job stood out. To start off with it was a restaurant rather than a high-rise residential or commercial block, then there was the curved shape of the building and finally there were the precious assets below us that had to be protected.

We were instructed on a job in Chelsea, a second-floor establishment with windows that were not only dirty, but also covered in vinyl branding promoting the restaurant. Our task was to remove a layer of vinyl and clean all the windows. Sounds simple enough doesn’t it? However, it was anything but.

Instead of there being just one layer, as we were briefed, there were three layers of vinyl on each window which had to be stripped one at a time. This took a considerable amount of time and not a single window could be cleaned until that was finished.

Because of the shape of the building and the location of the restaurant within it, the most cost-effective and efficient solution available was a mobile elevating work platform. These are not the easiest machines to bring on site in central London, but our team are skilled at manoeuvring them carefully and safely. However, even this was not enough to get to all the windows. We are perfectionists and we always make sure that every window we’re asked to clean is not only cleaned, but cleaned to our exacting standards, so we had to go into problem-solving mode. Eventually we found that we could reach the remaining windows from the next-door property, so we gained permission and access and completed the job.

The thing we’ve forgotten to mention is those precious assets below us. Whenever and wherever we work we do so to strict health and safety standards to avoid anything being dropped, to ensure that the public below are warned of our work overhead and sometimes to cordon off areas directly below us. The water we use is chemical free, simply warmed up and deionised so anything that drips will not harm or damage. But what was below us on this job was a little more valuable than usual. This was the building’s car park entrance through which a stream of Lamborghinis, Rolls Royces and Bentleys would normally have driven… We wouldn’t want to damage any of those – just imagine how many windows we’d have to clean to pay for that! So, we got the building’s security chaps to close that entrance while we worked over it.

The long and the short of this story is, we can clean any windows anywhere and we have the equipment, skill and training to do so quickly, safely and affordably.

If the windows on your building are in need of a clean, then contact London Window Cleaners today, the high-rise window cleaning specialists, on 020 3954 2900.


Direct from client

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Contact us for a free assessment for hard to reach windows, high rise windows and any other commercial work.

Call: 020 3954 2900

Email: [email protected]

Leading London to a cleaner future

London Window Cleaners are proud to receive ‘Go Ultra Low Company’ status. The initiative recognises businesses that are embracing electric vehicles (EVs) as part of a new scheme run by government and automotive industry campaign, Go Ultra Low.

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